DonationsWe rely on the generosity of our supporters so that we can present this wonderful music to our community. Thank you so much for considering a gift to the choir.
The Bach Cantata Choir is a legally organized non-profit corporation under Oregon law, and is a registered 501(c)(3) corporation with the IRS. Donations to the choir are tax-deductible to the extent provided by law and regulation. Recurring or one-time Donations may be made quickly and securely online via PayPal (a PayPal account is not required). Click Donate to make a one-time donation. Choose an amount, then click Subscribe to start a recurring monthly donation. Donations may also be mailed to us or made in person at any concert. A receipt will be issued for your tax records if you include your full name and address with your donation. Season SponsorshipsThank you to our Season Sponsors! We appreciate your generous support of the choir.
Sponsorships are available at four levels: make a gift of $100 to become a Friend of the Choir, $250 to become part of the Director’s Circle, $500 to join the Composer's Circle, or $1,000 for the Cantata Society. Here are the benefits for becoming a sponsor: Friend of the Choir ($100-249)
Director’s Circle ($250-499)
Composer's Circle ($500-999)
Cantata Society ($1000+)
Support Bach Cantata Choir When You Shop OnlineWe have partnered with Goodshop so that now you can feel great about giving when you shop online! Goodshop gives you the best coupons for thousands of stores like Target, Apple, Home Depot, Macy's, Petco and more AND a percentage of what you spend on many purchases is donated to our cause! Plus, with the Goodshop app for iPhone and iPad, you can shop, save, and give on the go. Visit GoodShop to learn more about this easy way to support the choir.
Fred Meyer Community RewardsFred Meyer is donating $2.7 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to “Bach Cantata Choir” at You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number (AI080). You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today.
Escrip is Super Easy!The eScrip program allows participating merchants to contribute a percentage of your grocery loyalty cards, credit card, and debit card purchases to the school or nonprofit of your choice. Purchases are tracked through registered cards (store loyalty, credit/debit) or simply thru your supporter ID on the Online Mall. During the registration process you are asked to register grocery or drug store cards, and credit/debit cards that you use when you shop and dine out. When you use any of these registered cards with an eScrip merchant, they pay-it-forward by donating a percentage of your purchase amounts to your chosen organizations. Remember to use your cards for every purchase, shop with eScrip merchants, and you will automatically earn money for your school or nonprofit. Visit to register.
Oregon Cultural TrustThe Bach Cantata Choir is also a qualifying Oregon cultural non-profit organization. Click here to learn more about making a matching donation for a tax credit to the Oregon Cultural Trust.